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Senin, 31 Januari 2011

recipes for nutritious food remains high

Processing and storage can make the nutrients in food is lost or damaged. Therefore, treat food as possible, must not put it into the refrigerator.
How to cultivate food affects nutritional quality. In general, wrote William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN, in The Family Nutrition Book, the less processing, the better.
Nutritional value of fresh food is better than frozen, but frozen food nutrition is still better than canned food. Vegetables are frozen shortly after harvesting contains more vitamins than fresh vegetables that are instantly transported across the territory to be marketed.
There are a number of exchanges of nutrients when you choose vegetables that are packed and processed. For example, canned and frozen vegetables contain more sodium. A portion of frozen broccoli may contain more beta-carotene because the stem is removed, leaving only the flowerets only. However, this broccoli contains very little calcium and more sodium. So as often as possible, serve fresh vegetables for the family, so they get used to the feeling of a more varied and more powerful.
Steaming vegetables protect more nutrients and flavor of fresh vegetables rather than boiling some nutrients that dissolve in water. Cooking using microwaves also protects the nutrients in vegetables. Avoid cutting the vegetables too long before cooking. The distance is too long between when cutting vegetables or fruit by cooking can cause damage. The reason, pieces of vegetables or fruit may be exposed Papas, light, and oxygen, the destroyer of nutrients. Better to cut vegetables or fruit as will be cooked or eaten. By Melinda Hemmelgarn, MS, RD, nutritionist continued as quoted University of Missouri Extension, heat, light, and oxygen are the three destroyers of natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables. However, cooking (with a minimal process) and storage methods to preserve nutrients. To that end, Good Health & Medicine share a tip for you to get optimal benefits from the food we consume daily.
Storing Food
Consumption of fruit is best when it's cooked. Overly ripe fruit contains more sugar, so the levels glikemiknya index (GI) is higher. Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates digested, into the bloodstream, and increased blood sugar levels. Foods with low GI into the bloodstream slowly and not too fast trigger response to insulin, thus making more stable blood sugar levels.
A nutritionist, Judith Wills, author of The Food Bible, suggest to store fruit, vegetables, and salads in cold and dark conditions, such as the refrigerator or pantry. "The light and heat will destroy vitamin B and C. Storing fruit in large bowl on the table is highly discouraged, "says Wills.
Be frozen
Contrary to the belief in general, frozen fruits and vegetables often contain more nutrients than fresh. This is because the food is frozen immediately after harvest. Consumer associations in the UK to test a number of fruits and vegetables that have been prepared as Brussels sprouts and cut melons using vitamin C as an indication of how fresh and bergizinya food. They saw, some of which have less than half the amount of vitamin C that was conceived when freshly harvested.
Boiled and steamed
In addition to making food taste better, cook will weaken the structure of plants, making the nutrients are easily absorbed vegetable labih human body. Unfortunately, some methods of cooking can negatively affect the value nutrusi it. Boiling vegetables can eliminate vitamin C and some B vitamins are water soluble nature. Boiling in a long time also can affect glycemic index food. According to dietician, Nigel Denby, "IG is affected by substances such as amylose starch in rice. Substance starch will be broken if cooked too long, making it easier to digest and the sugar can be released quickly into the bloodstream. "Steaming retain nutrients up to about 82 percent.
No doubt, fry will add calories to food. Even so, use moderate amounts of oil can be a healthful way. In addition to mature too quickly to minimize heat damage. "Fry will withhold vitamin B and vitamin C is water soluble," says Wills. High carotenoid vegetables (antioxidant group) is better cooked or eaten with a little oil. While carrots or tomatoes good when sauteed.
Roasted or Burned
This method is a healthier alternative than frying. Using the base shelf cooking with specifically be effective, especially for processed meat. Wills agrees that this method is the most healthful choice, but it should be emphasized that the burning of food for too long and created a blackish color can produce chemicals trigger cancer.
Using Microwave
Numerous studies have shown that microwave cooking using the most effective way to maintain the water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C due to heat exposure is reduced and less water is used. Unfortunately, this can damage the fat-soluble antioxidants. A study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture said that broccoli cooked by microwave lost up to 97 percent antioxidant.
Mashed potatoes or puree not only adds calories when added to milk and butter, also increases the glycemic index. The food is broken down into sections that are smaller, are also digested more quickly. When hard to avoid it, try mixing it with orange.
Heated Back
When you heat up the dish a second time, inevitably, more nutrients are destroyed. If food needs to be stored, Wills stresses should be refrigerated before and immediately stored in the refrigerator or freezer. "Cover and store in a cool place. Vitamin B and C will be reduced if food is left warm for too long or too hot, "said Wills.
Consumption of Raw
Nutritionist Patrick Holford believes the consumption of raw foods like carrots or beet will maximize the nutritional content because of an antioxidant sensitive to heat and water. However, there are opposite effects of eating raw foods. "It could be difficult to digest because the fiber need to be heated so soft. The cooking process also makes some nutrients more readily available, such as lycopene in tomatoes, "he said. Fruit is best eaten raw or eaten immediately after the cut.
Save Water boiled
Some suggestions to retain the nutrients in cooked foods such as quoted from this site Better Health Channel.

* Store foods properly, such as keeping cold foods stay cold and closed several types of food in an airtight place.
* Wash or scrub vegetables rather than peeling them.
* Use the outer leaves of vegetables first, such as cabbage or lettuce leaves, except the leaves have withered or been uncomfortable.
* Cook vegetables in microwave, steaming, burn, or bake rather than boil.
* If you boil vegetables, save water containing nutrients to make soup.
* Use fresh ingredients whenever possible.
* Cook foods quickly.
* Ensure ... No raw vegetables soaking in water. This action can cause water-soluble vitamins will be lost.
* Not to let the fruit get too ripe. The fruit is too ripe or ripe glycemic index will increase drastically.
* Not to leave food that has been cooked overnight and then heating it.
* Not cooking foods that contain substances such as potato starch is too ripe. This can raise levels of glycemic index.
* No cut vegetables in small sizes. The surface of vegetables or fruit pieces can be exposed Papas, light, and oxygen that can destroy nutrients.
* Always use a sharp knife. Using a blunt knife while cutting vegetables can cause cell damage that ultimately led to loss of vitamin C.
Only Extend Quality

* Refrigerator become good places to store food. Do you know what foods should not be put into the refrigerator or freezer? When do you have to insert food into the refrigerator? And how long food remains safe and fresh in the refrigerator?
* The refrigerator should be installed at 4 degrees Celsius or less. The temperature is enough to help slow down the process of enzymatic and bacterial growth, but not too cold to affect the quality of food in the presence of ice crystals are formed. It is better to install a refrigerator thermometer to make sure the temperature is low enough for food security.
* Always cover food in the refrigerator. The air is very dry in the refrigerator, so food will be easy to dry, loss of quality, and be unattractive in a short time. Closing the food also prevent soft foods such as dairy products absorb odors from other foods, like cabbage.
* Cold temperatures slow down the enzymes in the refrigerator food and reproduction of bacteria. It is extending the quality, taste, and texture of food, and keep food safe longer. It is noteworthy that the refrigerator does not kill bacteria and not to improve the quality of food.
* Do not fill the refrigerator too full. Make sure there is always enough space between foods that can make the air circulate freely among them. That way, the temperature will be more evenly.
* Use a refrigerator thermometer to check temperature and freshness of the shelves. Coldest part of refrigerator is not a place to store susceptible foods such as lettuce and soft fruits such as papaya.
* Foods that require refrigeration should be put into the refrigerator at least within 2 hours after eating to prevent bacterial growth.
* Clean the refrigerator every three weeks. Discard vegetables, fruits, and foods that are inedible.

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